Kane Barnacle is an Adult Social Worker with a professional background that includes 16 years as a statutory Advocate and regional service manager. He has supported thousands of people to ensure their views are considered, and their rights respected. He has considerable experience as a Court of Protection litigation friend and Rule 1.2 Representative. He acts as an advocate for people who lack the mental capacity to make specific, and sometimes life-changing decisions. Kane is also a qualified Best Interest Assessor and is currently studying an Advanced Masters (AMIL LLM) in International Human Rights Law at The University of Law. Kane’s socio-legal experience ensures the highest standards of quality and professionalism.
As a trainer, Kane has extensive experience delivering training to both social care practitioners as well as students. He specialises in matters relating to Adult Safeguarding, the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (including Schedule A1 & AA1), the Care Act 2014, ECHR/Human Rights Act 1998, Health and Social Care Act 2012, Equality Act 2010, and matters before the Court of Protection. Professional observers are impressed by the manner in which his preparation and responsiveness enables the contributions of all present: taking into account different learning styles and abilities. He maintains an inclusive approach that supports the entire group and his training is exceptionally well evaluated.