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Delegates attending this course will be foster carers and social workers who may have a Muslim Looked After Child (LAC) in placement but may not necessarily be Muslim themselves. Attendees will want to gain a better understanding of how British values and Islamic values can be reconciled to give the child in placement the best possible experience. The course will provide foster carers with an in-depth understanding of Islamic tenets and articles of faith to ensure that they are equipped with a competent knowledge base that will provide the best support possible for LAC in their care. Delegates will also explore how cultural/religious cohesion in placement can be best achieved in light of the NMS (National Minimum Standards). They will also be provided with adequate signposting and information on Muslim organisations that can offer advice and support to them. Finally the workshop gives Foster carers and social workers the opportunity to ask any questions they may have about supporting Muslim LAC in placement to a qualified Imam (Muslim faith leader) who holds a qualification in social work.

Who is Supporting Muslim Looked after Children (LAC) aimed at?

Foster Carers, Fostering Panel Members, Social Workers

Course Length

Half Day

Learning Outcomes

On completion of the course, participants will: 

  • Understand the Legal Frameworks and core values foster carers are working with and how they can both be reconciled with a Muslim child in placement.
  • Be able to relate to how fundamental British values and Islamic values can compliment each other and help foster children thrive in placement.
  • Have a good understanding of how the 5 pillars of Islam and 6 articles of faith form the foundation for giving Muslim children in placement the best possible cultural/religious support.
  • Explore equality, equity and diversity in foster care and how this can support Muslim children in placement.
  • Map the nuances of cultural and religious cohesion and what this means for you and the Muslim children in placement.
  • Know the support available from various Muslim organisations that help you further meet the needs of Muslim children in placement.

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