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In the last two years and because of the Pandemic and Lockdown people are looking at their lives and themselves in a different way. Many people want to make changes such as creating greater work-life balance, getting more enjoyment out of life, and in some cases improving their mental health, confidence, self-esteem and/or anxiety levels. There are a range of modules that can be taken as part of a six-phase journey or as stand-alone sessions. The purpose of the six phases is to identify where you are now and work through a series of potential barriers to wellbeing and achieving success.

Who is 6 Week Wellbeing Programme aimed at?

All staff

Course Length

Each module is run over a half day

Learning Outcomes

The topic of each module is:-

  • Module 1 Where are you now?
  • Module 2 Building Confidence and Self-Esteem
  • Module 3 Handling Stress and Burnout
  • Module 4 Anxiety and How to Cope with it.
  • Module 5 Building Resilience
  • Module 6 Physical Wellbeing

Module 1 Where are you now? 

Before we can work on the future, we need to take some time to explore where we are now. Session 1 is all about you. Who you are? How the world around you influence how you feel and what you want to achieve. 

The aim of this session is to provide an opportunity to develop your wellbeing and mental health by looking at what you want to get out these sessions, using activities that are enjoyable. 

Outcomes: by the end of the session, you will:- 

- Examine what is currently happening in your life around your mental health, wellbeing, family, friends, career, and money. 

- Identify things that may be holding you back including procrastination, habits, fears, anxiety. 

- Use a range of fun activities to explore what is working and what you would like to change. 

- Identify a plan using a Mood Board to capture your vision and dreams for the future. 

Module 2 Building Confidence and Self-Esteem 

The purpose of this course is to identify what self-confidence and self-esteem mean to you and how you can have more of it in your own life.  


By the end of the session, you will:- 

- Identify the definition of Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem.

- Examine how your journey to this point has been impacted by the events and the people around you. 

- Using Johari’s window to see how you see yourself and how other people see you. You may be surprised. 

- Use a range of tools including Transactional Analysis and Timeline Analysis. 

- Explore ways in which you can build your self-confidence and self-esteem. 

Module 3 Handling Stress and Burnout 

In our daily lives we may experience stress; have you ever felt yourself in a situation of trying to spin too many plates, or lots of things happening in your personal and professional life. 

Stress is not always a ‘bad thing’ as it can get us out of bed in the morning, its only when it gets ‘too much’ that we can experience problems. 

For example, imagine stress is like a bridge that can take lots and lots of weight, however, if you put too many cars on that bridge, it will eventually buckle and break and once that break happens, we can experience physical, mental and emotional burnout.


The purpose of this course is to identify what stress means to you and how it affects your personal and working life.  

Outcomes: By the end of the session, you will:

- Identify what is meant by stress and distress

- Examine the fight or flight syndrome

- Carry out an inventory into your own stress levels

- Examine the side effects of stress including mental health, physical health and emotional wellbeing.

- Identify strategies to cope with stress in your work and personal life.

Module 4 Anxiety and How to Cope with it 

As a result of the pandemic and the pace of life anxiety is on the increase.  Anxiety is not the same as stress, as stress is what causes anxiety. There are different forms of anxiety, but it is a general feeling of worry, fear and it can be mild or severe.   This affects everyone at some point in their lives as it is part of being human e.g., taking an exam, change of lifestyle circumstances, driving test and even happy events such as ‘a birth’.   This is known as general anxiety disorder and can apply to anyone, anywhere, at any time. 


This course is aimed at people who are experiencing mild anxiety symptoms.  Such as feeling restless or worried, lack of sleep, panic, social anxiety, fears, or phobias.

Outcome: By the end of the course, you will be able to:- 

- Identify that anxiety is a normal emotion that everyone experiences at some point in their lives.

- Explore the psychological impact of anxiety, such as feeling a sense of dread, irritability, feeling on edge and restlessness.

- Identify, recognise your triggers, and develop methods of coping

- Examine patterns of behaviour that cause anxiety.

- Experiment with ways to stop thoughts spiralling emotions out of control.

- Examine the use of treatments including cognitive behavioural therapy, journaling, hypnotherapy, keeping a mood diary and relaxation techniques.

Module 5 Building Resilience 

Sometimes we all find it difficult to ‘bounce back’ after ‘being knocked down’ in your personal or work life.  This session we will explore the three factors of resilience: Awareness, Being-Well and Coping and ways to improve our overall resilience.

The aim of the course:

To identify and explore the ABC of Resilience and discover ways that we in our daily lives can raise our ability to deal with these situations.  To discuss situations that may cause us to feel stressful, recognise the triggers and ways we can deal with our negative thoughts and feelings.

Outcomes: by the end of the session, you will:

- Be able to identify the three factors of resilience.

- Understand how stress impacts on our daily lives and discover and how we respond to them.

- The benefits of developing healthy habits to support our physical and mental wellbeing. 

- An action plan to assist you in difficult situations.

Module 6 Physical Wellbeing 


The purpose of this course is to identify what physical wellbeing means to you and how you approach it in your own life. 

Outcomes: By the end of the session, you will: 

- Identify the definition of Physical Wellbeing. 

- Examine how events and people around you have impacted your journey to this point. 

- Examine NHS guidelines on the importance of exercise. 

- Using the Eatwell Guide (NHS) identify food types and portion sizes. 

- Explore ways in which you can build exercise and healthy eating into your daily life. 


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