Quality | Innovative | Training


Supervision, both in name and practice is subject to competing tensions – between the needs (for example) for support for individual supervisees and teams, the needs for organisations to provide overview, quality assurance and evidence of its ‘work’, and of course, the needs of service users and others for accountable and transparent process and planning. Supervisors themselves are likely to experience such tensions in terms of time (or lack of it), competing work and professional priorities, recording (what and where?!), as well as (at times) keenly feeling the ‘emotional labour and challenge’ of working in a field characterised by volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. This one day workshop considers issues around ‘authority’ and supervision; focusing in particular on areas which provoke intense anxiety, such as performance management, and ‘game playing’ in supervision and the importance of engaging in ‘difficult conversations’. Themes introduced include: working in a diverse environment, the nature and limits of supervisory ‘authority’; the parallels between supervision and practice; the importance of contract/agreement around supervision and the idea of ‘candour’ in work relationships.

Who is Authority & Supervision; Difficult and Challenging Conversations – developing frameworks for thinking and action aimed at?

Anyone who gives supervision

Course Length

1 day

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course participants will:- 

- Have a framework for considering ‘supervisory style’ and the idea of ‘authority’ in a supervisory context and
-  Understand the idea of ‘Candour’ in work relationships
- Have a framework for Identifying performance (and other) concerns
- Understand contributory factors and avoiding the set up to fail syndrome
-  Be able to use and apply ‘practice’ and ‘reflective’ cycles
- Understand working with supervisees who are stuck - The blocked cycle- what does it look like?
- Understand the Performance Improvement Conversation – and ‘applying it’

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