Quality | Innovative | Training


To give AMHPs a thorough understanding of how to assess, work with and support autistic people (with and without learning disability and/or co-existing mental health needs) effectively in the specific context of their role

Who is Autism for AMHP’s aimed at?


Course Length

1 day

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course delegates will be able to:- 

  • Develop knowledge of common co-existing conditions (including learning disabilities and/or mental health conditions) and how they may interact with autism
  • Communicate effectively with autistic people with a variety of profiles in the context of Mental Health Act assessment
  • Be able to identify and make reasonable adjustments when undertaking Mental Health Act assessments with autistic people
  • Develop awareness of the legal and policy issues around the detention of autistic people under the Mental Health Act (including Rooman v Belgium [2019], EHRC test case, Transforming Care, CTRs and STOMP)
  • Understand the likely negative impacts of Mental Health Act interventions on autistic people and ways of avoiding and/or minimising these
  • Know how to communicate and work with the families and/or informal carers of autistic people
  • Understand the likely causes of crises for autistic people and be able to intervene to prevent crises whenever possible
  • Develop knowledge of what good care for autistic people looks like and how to promote and support high quality, person-centred and appropriate care and support
  • Understand how to assess mental capacity and undertake best interests decision making with autistic people (to the extent relevant for the AMHP role)
  • Be able to assess and manage risk and effectively with autistic people
  • Know where to find further information for own professional development


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