Quality | Innovative | Training


The Aim of this course is to help participants understand what Autism is and the varied presentation of autistic people, the main characteristics which lead to a diagnosis of Autism and the range of difficulties and challenges that autistic people can experience in everyday life. There is also a focus on the legal and policy framework that underpins good practice with autistic people.

Who is Autism Intermediate aimed at?

All staff who may encounter autistic adults and/or children in their role. Including Direct Care Staff, Social Workers, Social care assessors, SEN Officers, BIAs, AMHPs, Managers and a wide range of staff from education, social care and health contexts.

Course Length

1 day

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this training course learners will be able to:- 

  •  Know basic facts about autism including: how common it is, that autism is neurodevelopmental and life long, that every person is affected differently and is unique.
  • Be able to use respectful terminology and accept autistic people for who they are
  • Know how to make reasonable adjustments for autistic people and be able to put key adaptations into practice
  • Understand what autistic characteristics may look like in real life situations
  • Understand the importance of meeting an autistic person’s unique communication and information needs and develop practical strategies to do so
  • Recognise some key differences in social interaction e.g. difficulties with small talk, social rules and processing time.
  • Understand how sensory issues can impact on autistic people and be able to make simple changes to ensure an environment is accessible to autistic people
  • Recognise the importance of passionate interests and hobbies.
  • Plan changes in advance whenever possible.
  • Provide preparation and information about upcoming events using a variety of communication methods.
  • Be aware of the wide range of difficulties and challenges autistic people and their families may experience in daily life
  • Understand the factors relevant to ‘quality of life’ for autistic people
  • Provide person centred support using a strengths-based approach, supporting autistic people to be empowered by services and to be as independent as possible
  • Know where to access resources and further information about autism.


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