To provide staff with an opportunity to develop knowledge and skills in chairing child care meetings, including looked after reviews and child protection conferences. Who is Chairing Meetings aimed at?
All those working in Children and Families Social Care who are required, in their role, to chair child specific meetings Course Length
1 day Learning Outcomes
To provide staff with an opportunity to develop knowledge and skills in chairing child care meetings, including looked after reviews and child protection conferences.
Learning outcomes:
• explain how groups form and function
• develop skills in chairing meetings through practical application
• keeping to time
• interpreting non-verbal communication signals
• dealing with different personalities/ difficult behaviours, managing conflict
• controlling/encouraging discussions, participation, positivity Specific to child care meetings
• enable children and young people to express their views and wishes and for these to be acted upon
• promote active involvement and participation by children/young people, parents and carers