Quality | Innovative | Training


This course will enable practitioners to gain an insight into the use of child on Parent Domestic Abuse and be proficient with the principles of risk and appropriate response to all age ranges of Child on Parent. Delegates will gain an insight into the process of interview and finding an appropriate narrative in which to extract information, write and complete safety plans in association with the assessor’s own level of contact and responsibility. They will also learn how to understand how and when to consider referral to specialist domestic violence services and Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) based on high risk assessment results. Delegates will receive copies of the Teen Dash for pre reading prior to the event alongside case studies to familiarise themselves with.

Who is Child to Parent Violence aimed at?

Children's Services practitioners

Course Length

1 day

Learning Outcomes

On conclusion of the course, participants will understand:-

  • What Child on Parent Domestic Abuse is and how this fits within the Government definition
  • The prevalence of Child on Parent abuse in the UK
  • Typologies of Child on Parent Abuse, Emotional, Physical etc
  • Signs of Child on Parent abuse-what to look for.
  • Victim Impacts associated with Stigma, shame (parents, siblings etc).
  • Possible Explanations- eg Family Violence, Social issues, Parenting Styles, Child Issues.
  • Practical approaches to managing Child on Parent abuse for both practitioners and parents.
  • Useful Strategies-types of communication, safety planning etc.
  • The Teen DASH (Domestic Abuse, Stalking, Harassment and Honour Based Violence) Risk Assessment Tool. Why do we need the Dash?
  • Using the Teen DASH to identify risk levels and actions.
  • The different levels of risk and how to respond as a practitioner.
  • The challenges to practice in completing the Teen DASH and engaging with clients or parents who being subjected to abuse.
  • Where to get further support and national agencies that offer additional guidance and information

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