Quality | Innovative | Training


This course provides tips, tools ideas and strategies you can apply and see immediate improvements at work. This course will help you no matter what system you are using to become more effective.

Who is Getting Organised at Work aimed at?

All staff

Course Length

a half day

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the session, you will be able to:-

  • Have more control over your day by developing time management techniques.
  • Use powerful goal setting to organise for success.
  • Identify why you procrastinate and how you can use methods to combat this.
  • Manage your desk and create a clear desk policy.
  • Examine a range of tools and apps you can use that will help you to organise your day better. 

During the session we will conduct activities that will guide you through the methods you can use to help you get organized and be more productive at work. You will receive a workbook full of information and tips that you can take away and use as a guide following the session. 


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