Quality | Innovative | Training


This course will explore the role of IMCA’s within the LPS framework. We will look at when IMCA’s need to be instructed, what they will do and how they will do it, how professionals work with IMCA’s and what responsibilities and powers they hold within the LPS framework.

Who is LPS – Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA) aimed at?

Adult Social Care and Health Care staff involved in LPS

Course Length

Half day

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, delegates will be able to:-

  • Understand when to involve an IMCA
  • Understand what an IMCA will do and how they do it
  • Understand how to involve IMCA’s in assessments under LPS
  • Understand what responsibilities and powers IMCA’s have within LPS
  • Consider some of the difficulties which might arise when working with an IMCA under LPS

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