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Research indicates that contact is a complex matter, which may be undertaken for a range of purposes in which decisions must be made on a case by case basis. The Foster Carers Charter emphasises the importance of delegated authority to foster carers in a range of areas of a placement, including aspects of contact. Research also indicates that contact is important for children and young people who are 'Looked After' to achieve three key psychosocial tasks which are essential to their healthy development. However contact may also carry risk of further harm to children and young people who have been traumatised by the actions of members of their birth family. Key factors in the success of contact include characteristics of the child, members of the birth family, but also the family of the carers. The degree of openness of carers, and willingness to work to make contact successful for the child is also a significant factor. Foster carers are therefore central to the planning and implementation of contact plans.

Who is Making Contact Decisions for Children in Care aimed at?

Local Authority Foster Carers Prospective Adopters

Course Length

1 day

Learning Outcomes

On completion of the course, participants will have:

  • Awareness of conflict between different rights of children and young people and participation in decision making and right to be safeguarded from further trauma.
  • Reflectiveness of individual carers and prospective adopters: awareness of how wills this influence managing the contact plan

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