Quality | Innovative | Training


This course will examine the effects and risks, trends in drug and alcohol use, drugs and the law, working effectively with young people around drugs and alcohol issues, referral processes and support services. The training is designed to give delegates a greater understanding of the effects of substance use on pregnancy and parenting. In particular looking at different substances and their effects on both mother and unborn child, effects of different drugs and alcohol on parenting and how agencies can work better together to provide appropriate care and support for all the family.

Who is Parental Substance Misuse aimed at?

The course is open to professionals, working in both the statutory, private and voluntary sectors. Professionals in Key Agencies; Health (PCT and Hospital); Police, Education/Early Years; Probation; Social Workers; Youth Workers; Foster Carers; Residential Workers; Drug, Alcohol, and Substance Misuse Workers, General Practitioners, Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Therapist/Counsellor, Paediatric Doctor/Nurse, School Nursing or Health Visitors. Pre-school Workers, Criminal Justice Workers i.e CAIT, police officers, school liaison, domestic violence and multi-disciplinary practitioners and others working regularly with children and young people and their parents/carers.

Course Length

1 Day

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course delegates will have:-

  • To increase understanding of the needs of parents who use drugs and/or alcohol and the impact on their children
  • to provide an introduction to the evidence and good practice in working with families affected by substance misuse
  • To build capacity by increasing confidence amongst front line workers to explore strategies of working effectively with parents in relation to drug and alcohol use.
  • To be able to respond to concerns about parental substance misuse and develop effective assessments and intervention skills
  • To improve effectiveness of partnership working in response to parental substance misuse by increasing understanding of different agencies roles and responsibilities

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