Quality | Innovative | Training


An experiential course for particpants to fully understand the skills and mindset necessary to present confidently and communicate with clarity. Also to be able to structure and present with authority and to be resilient and maintain a positive mindset throughout the whole process. The course will enable candidates to build the skills and confidence to enable them to gain the co-operation of others and be more positive when presenting verbally and non-verbally as well as presenting themselves as positively as possible matching the styles of the person or audience.

Who is Presentation Skills aimed at?

Anyone in the organisation who needs to deliver a presentation

Course Length

1 day

Learning Outcomes

On completion of the course, participants will be able to: 

  • Influence other people positively and confidently
  • Understand the importance of body language and how to utilise it positively
  • Replace those behaviours and approaches that reduce your influencing effectiveness with ones that enhance it
  • Influence an audience by understanding their reasoning
  • Remain calm and professional when faced with attempted manipulation
  • Identify the positive influencing techniques you can use face-to-face
  • Behave more credibly and effectively in presentations in any setting

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