Quality | Innovative | Training


This course gives participants an understanding of risk assessment and risk management as appropriate to their work settings.

Who is Risk Assessment aimed at?

Anyone working in a health and/or social care setting. The session would be tailored around the specific needs of the participant group, using where appropriate situations that they themselves experience in their everyday work

Course Length

1 day

Learning Outcomes

On completion of the course, participants will:

  • Be able to define their own responsibilities, and the responsibilities of their colleagues, managers and service users in relation to risk assessment
  • Be able to list the main points of the Health and Safety at Work Act
  • Be able to list the main points of other legislation and regulations, as appropriate to their work settings (eg RIDDOR, COSHH, LOLER, Display Screen Equipment, HACCPPEWER, PPE, Manual Handling etc)
  • Understand the importance of risk assessments and be able to carry them out confidently
  • Understand the definition of various important words, eg ‘risk’, ‘hazard’, ‘harm’, ‘safe’ etc.
  • Be able to list advantages and disadvantages of taking risks
  • Have practised various different tools for assessing and managing risk
  • Have related the theory of the training to practical examples from their everyday work settings
  • Understand their own workplace policies and procedures in relation to risk assessment

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