Quality | Innovative | Training


This Section 42 - The Care Act Training course explores S42 CA 2014 and how it impacts not only on the vulnerable adult but also the authority, and those partner agencies working on behalf of the authority. The course explores a variety of cases of adults suffering and being subject to one or more of the 10 signs of abuse. The course asks the delegates to work as a group within the 6 principles and what would be the best possible solutions. What enquires, help, support, guidance and other resources are available to achieve the best possible outcome for the adult. The course is very interactive and involves a lot of group work and sharing of good practices amongst the delegates. The course includes group work looking at video’s into mental capacity and then decision making. The course also looks at Safeguarding Adult Reviews and lessons learnt. Highlighting the importance of communication and corroboration amongst all involved.

Who is Section 42 – The Care Act aimed at?

This course is aimed at all agencies working with vulnerable adults, and includes NGO’s, charities and volunteering arena.

Course Length

1 day

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course delegtes will be able to:- 

  • Understand what S42 Care Act 2014 means in relation to the law
  • Understand what S42 Care Act 2014 means in relation to the local authorities and the partner agencies and their responsibilities
  • Understand what S42 Care Act 2014 means in relation to the vulnerable adult and how the best possible outcomes can be achieved.
  • Be able to achieve the best multi-agency outcome for adults suffering from abuse
  • Explore other ways of helping vulnerable adults and obtaining their views on the S42 enquiry. 


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