This programme is a half day course which will be a refresher of the key principles and duties of the Care Act 2014, in relation to assessment, eligibility and care and support planning. The programme specifically designed for managers will focus on how they can ensure their respective team members meet the objectives and consistently achieve legal compliance and high standards of practice. This will include reflective supervision, overseeing recording and ensuring that strengths based conversations are taking place. It will include a greater emphasis on financial and legal implications. The training is supported by a comprehensive workbook comprising all slides, many with additional notes, plus case studies and a list of suggested Strengths Based Questions. The course will cover the person with care and support needs and carers equally throughout the session.Who is The Care Act (2014) for Managers aimed at?
Adult Social Care ManagersCourse Length
a half dayLearning Outcomes
By the end of this half day programme, managers will be able to:-
- Recall the key principles of the Care Act and the duties and powers relating to assessment
- Identify the nine aspects of wellbeing
- Highlight the key aspects arising from the Prevention and Information and Advice duties, ensuring their staff are emphasising the importance of early resolution and pausing the assessment and complying with the Advocacy duty
- Ensure staff are adopting a strengths based approach throughout their involvement with the person/carer
- Demonstrate that all aspects related to involving the person as fully as possible have been explored
- Identify key sections from the Care Act Guidance in relation to the consideration of finances
- Understand and adopt the minimum eligibility threshold for the person with care and support needs/carer, strengthen understanding of the term significant impact and review Ombudsman decisions in relation to specific eligibility outcomes
- Ensure that clear evidence to substantiate the eligibility decision is included in all assessments
- Understand support options, explore the range of ways needs can be met and the different ways a Personal Budget can be taken and how Direct Payments can be used, in line with the three key principles of the Personal Budget
- Encourage and ensure their staff are adopting highly creative solutions in care and support planning
- Draw learning from a range of Ombudsman cases and Judicial Reviews