Ant Tenison

Ant was a Police detective for thirty years. He spent most of his time working on CID,  Major Crimes and Counter Terrorism. For the last four years of his service he was in training where he had responsibility for interview training across the force. He was an advanced interviewer and interview manager. He deployed to numerous high profile cases including the Oxford grooming gangs, the Football scandal and the attacks in London at Borough Market.

He was a Regional expert on PACE matters and was also heavily involved in the delivery of training for vulnerable and intimidated witnesses. He has a background looking at CPIA and RIPA issues. He wrote a regional course for Source handlers and modernized the Tier 5 interview managers course which has been attended by other forces and the Military.

He has a reputation for getting the most of adult learning by making it hard work and enjoyable. He doesn’t pretend that things won’t ever go wrong and students enjoy a relaxed approach and the honesty and humour  of someone who will admit it.

Since leaving the Police he has had his own company and delivers to both private clients and local government on practical investigation and legal issues. Each course is adapted to make it bespoke and realistic for that learning outcome with the emphasis on fair and ethical investigations that stand scrutiny. Away from work he cycles slowly, plays tennis badly and keeps his interview skill set up by living with his wife and teenage daughter.