Our Corporate Courses
During this session, we will explore practical strategies, psychological insights, and expert techniques that will transform your approach to public speaking. From preparation to delivery, from managing nerves to connecting authentically with your audience, you'll discover how to present with poise, authority, and genuine confidence
The 2024 update to the Equality Act 2010 places increased focus upon employers to take reasonable steps to prevent the sexual harassment of employees. In this session we will be looking at the practical ways in which managers can create environments where the risk of sexual harassment is reduced.
In this session we will explore what is Intersectionality and outline the key concepts relating to
intersectionality, identity, power and privilege. We will highlight instances of intersectional discrimination and take an intersectional approach when working with people
In the UK one in six people have some level of hearing loss. This means that you are likely to meet people who are D/deaf on a daily basis.
This course is aimed at individuals and organisations who want to develop their understanding of D/deaf awareness, gain skills to improve their communication and improve their organisation’s accessibility.
On completion of this session delegates will have a better understanding of workplace Hazards and precautions put in place to control them.
In this session we will be exploring what intersectionality is, some of the key concepts and principles and what we can do to take an intersectional approach when working with people
The aim of this course is to prepare staff for applying for jobs by supporting them in completing application forms (which may be external) and giving hints and tips to help with interviews including using the STAR technique.
Many people find themselves busy throughout the day, constantly involved in some type of activity. That same group of people often reflect back upon their working day and when they take stock have made very little, if any real progress towards their own to-do list. They have applied their best effort during the course of the day but have not really been productive and key priorities have been overlooked or missed altogether.
This course looks at the ways in which we can more effectively sequence, organise and focus our approach to our work.
The course, aimed at the Expert Witness, explains the English legal system and how courts deal with cases. The course addresses some commonly held myths about the system.
Detailed guidance is given as to the writing and presentation of reports and witness statements, together with a step by step explanation of the process of giving evidence in court. There is extensive analysis of cross examination techniques.
The course is conducted in an accessible, informal manner with an emphasis upon delegate participation and interaction throughout. Delegates on the 2-day course participate in practical exercises in a courtroom scenario which are designed not to be intimidating or unrealistic roleplay.
The aim of this workshop is to prepare staff for applying for jobs by supporting them in completing application forms (which may be external) and giving hints and tips to help with interviews including using the STAR technique.
This course looks at the setting of standards of performance, managing under performance and providing constructive feedback. It provides the tools to effectively, fairly and consistently set, manage and feedback to members of our team regarding their performance at work.
Effective management and team leadership incorporates a wide range of skills, techniques and strategies. This practically-based course allows for the exploration, analysis and development of approaches that participants can immediately implement upon their return to the workplace.
This course incorporates, the theory, practical applications and strategies necessary to develop confident, competent and effective team leaders and supervisors.
Whilst working in Teams, It is crucial that all team members have a breadth of skills which enable both roles to be covered in times of absence and for promotion opportunities when vacancies arise (succession planning).
This course provides the tools to effectively, fairly and consistently set, manage and feedback to members of a team regarding their performance at work.
These days everyone is pulled in many directions and there never seems to be enough time in the day. We cannot create time. This course has been designed to help you identify how use your time during the day and look for ways to spend your time effectively.
This session is to help you effectively plan your day and workload
This is a short, practical skills course that is designed around aligning all employees against sexual harassment in the workplace as well as any form of harassment. To do this the trainer gets employees to explore and understand what is expected of them regarding acceptable conduct under company policy and UK law as well what is expected of an employer as part of their legal duty of care.
This course supports members of staff who chair a variety of different types of meetings which all have the same theme in common, they are all sensitive meetings e.g. Adult & Child Protection Meetings, Safeguarding Meetings, HR Meetings, Disciplinary Meetings, Restructuring Consultation etc.
A course for delegates to build their Mentoring skills, learn new skills and create new behaviours to support apprentices and teams with personal career progression.
Understand how to develop personal competencies and how not to develop unhealthy dependencies for the effective mentoring relationship. Develop objective measures to track effectiveness, develop awareness and responsibility in the coachee and boost morale and transform toxic attitudes into positive attitudes.
A course for participants to understand the change process as well as the pace of change and how we can control our journey positively. Also to become resilient and maintain a positive mindset throughout the whole process; to embrace and take an active part in the process every time.
The course will enable participants to build the skills and confidence to enable them to self navigate through the change journey understanding how much control they have. They will develop resilience to positively embrace change and motivate themselves throughout and beyond.
Most people write business documents on a daily basis: emails, reports, meeting summaries, minutes or other business correspondence. Writing creatively and writing for business are two entirely different disciplines. You could be an amazing creative writer while making potentially serious mistakes when it comes to business communication. This 1 day course is a perfect introduction to the skills of articulate business communicators.
Attendees will learn how to create business documents in Plain English that say what you mean and achieve the results you want. The course not only covers the basics of how to improve your writing skills but also how to achieve the right result from your written correspondence.
This collection of core skills courses covers 4 essential HR topics relevant to Managers who are in a first line supervisory role. It will equip them with the knowledge and practical skills to manage the following HR areas:
1. Disciplinary & Grievance
2. Absence Management
3. Performance Management
4. Recruitment & Selection
This course helps participants understand how and why we think, feel and react to stress and to understand and practice mindful responses to stress. Mindfulness will help develop present moment awareness to see life differently, change unhelpful patterns and experience more choice. It will inject moments of stillness into times of disorder, panic, crisis.
The course will enable participants to apply Mindfulness personally and professionally to reduce stress in everyday lives.
The interactive session enables managers to look at difficult times and challenges, some of which we have no experience of and be able to mindfully choose and action effective plans for self and others.
Organisational change is constant. Yet many people react to change with denial or resistance. The ability to help people overcome their inertia and get onboard with new initiatives is critical to success. In this one day workshop, you will learn practical tools that will enable them to build trust and commitment and achieve positive results through change initiatives.
Bias is something that affects everyone, and shapes our experience of both the world and the people around us. Making a positive change starts with an acknowledgement that it does exist and the potential business impact of not taking action to rectify it.
During this Bias Training session we will explore how both conscious and unconscious bias’ can affect our decisions regarding recruitment, selection, leadership, motivation and more.
The key aim of this training is increase participants' knowledge and understanding around grief and bereavement in the workplace
When change takes place in any organisation, strong leadership is an important part of making sure changes are effective and as problem free as possible. The Aim of this workshop is to equip Managers with strategies to deliver change within their team whilst dealing with the emotional responses people have to change. It looks at the importance of communicating regularly with the team and at creating a Leading Change Action Plan to identify what needs to be done differently. It includes how to manage on stress and support the people within the team.
This training will provide delegates with all the tools that make a facilitator a ‘good facilitator’ as opposed to a ‘dictator’ by help to keep opinions and emotions at bay.
Managers and staff in many organisations are increasingly being asked to reach agreements with other departments, agencies, public or voluntary bodies about the provision of services & goods and the delivery of outcomes. This requires them to be effective in conducting negotiations to maintain standards, achieve improved results and deliver value for money.
Many Organisations are relying less on Human Resources professionals to handle day to day employee relations issues. This requires line managers to conduct negotiations about local issues with employee representatives & trade unions. This course helps equip them with the negotiating skills needed.
This course seeks to develop and apply negotiating skills, so participants are asked to come to this workshop with information about a negotiation they will be involved in or a negotiation they have handled recently.
The key aim of the bereavement training is to increase knowledge or care after death procedures, grief and bereavement (including suicide), develop an understanding in order to build confidence and enhance skills needed to work sensitively and empathically with families, carer’s and others who experience loss and grief.
This course is intended for anyone who deals with customers, whether face-to-face or on the telephone. Customer service is one of the most important aspects of any organisation, it’s not just a question of reacting to your customer’s needs it’s about anticipating those needs in advance of their arrival. We will also be looking at situations when a customer’s expectations are not met and the potential for conflict arises.
This course will show participants how to better prioritise their work, create detailed time planners, overcome procrastination and take control
A course for managers to build their Coaching and Mentoring skills, learn new skills and create new behaviours to support their teams and personal career progression.
Understand how to develop personal competencies and how not to develop unhealthy dependencies for the effective coaching relationship. Develop objective measures to track effectiveness, develop awareness and responsibility in the coachee and boost morale and transform toxic attitudes into positive attitudes
When employees feel personally valued and are personally motivated by their work,
engagement in their job and improved outcomes almost naturally follow.
Team members’ motivation levels can have an impact on their productivity, the quality of
their work, their engagement, morale and their relationships with others. It is vital,
therefore, to create the conditions for motivation to thrive within the team
One of the most important roles a team leader, supervisor, line manager must perform is supporting their team members by providing supervision and guidance. This can be difficult to achieve especially when you are new to the role. In this course we will explore what is meant by Supervision. This course is aimed at identifying the key tasks to be performed in the supervision role.
The receptionist plays a key role in promoting the image of the business and ensuring that external and internal stakeholders are linked to the right person quickly and efficiently.
They are very often the first person that an external customer will speak to or see so it is vital that the person fulfilling this role is;
Knowledgeable about the organisation.
Understanding of the structure of the Trust so they can direct queries and questions to the correct person or department.
Able t0 make and receive telephone calls using the organisation’s codes of practice and correct telephone etiquette.
A strong communicator – possesses active listening skills and emotional intelligence
Adaptable and resilient
In possession of excellent time management skills
Empathetic – Actively interacting when greeting internal clients i.e. children to help reduce anxiety and make them feel comfortable.
This bitesize course is to help delegates to understand what anxiety is and where it comes from and how to recognise it in themselves or co-workers. It will also give tips on how to deal with it.
This half or full day session, Bouncing back for Managers, has been created specifically to help delegates build their awareness of mental wellbeing and resilience and to increase their skills and confidence in having perceived difficult conversations. It will enable delegates to understand how and why we think, feel and react to stress and to understand and practice mindful responses to increase our resilience.
The Resilience Training course will enable candidates to apply Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence techniques to reduce stress in everyday lives. It will also enable candidates to understand others better and communicate to change patterns of behaviour and overcome self-limitations.
It is also designed to help benchmark personal resilience levels and leave with new techniques to increase personal resilience enabling delegates to have the difficult conversations with selves as well as others, to know what to say and what not to and to know what to appropriately do with the information gained. The session is designed to be interactive and as such a safe environment to share advice and best practice.
Professional writing is very different to day to day writing. It is important to set the right tone and follow the writing convention of your organisation.
This course provides tips, tools ideas and strategies you can apply and see immediate improvements at work. This course will help you no matter what system you are using to become more effective.
In this session we will be looking at the ways in which we can approach customers who are difficult to interact with and tricky situations we may encounter
To raise awareness of working with and supporting children and young people who identify as LGBT+ and understand why this is important to you or your work setting.
Youth Mental Health First Aid (MHFA®) courses are for everyone who works with, lives with or supports young people aged 8-18. They will teach you the skills and confidence to spot the signs of mental health issues in a young person, offer first aid and guide them towards the support they need. In doing so, you can speed up a young person’s recovery and stop a mental health issue from getting worse.
In the last two years and because of the Pandemic and Lockdown people are looking at their lives and themselves in a different way. Many people want to make changes such as creating greater work-life balance, getting more enjoyment out of life, and in some cases improving their mental health, confidence, self-esteem and/or anxiety levels.
There are a range of modules that can be taken as part of a six-phase journey or as stand-alone sessions.
The purpose of the six phases is to identify where you are now and work through a series of potential barriers to wellbeing and achieving success.
The purpose of one day session is to introduce participants to the concept of neurodiversity, what that means for our practice and how we can make our services more accessible and our interaction with neurodiverse customers more engaging and productive.
The course will include information on areas such as Autism, Autistic Spectrum Disorder (Including Asperger’s Syndrome), ADHD, dyslexia and dyspraxia amongst others and will allow discussion on what these conditions mean for those experiencing them, but also what we can do to engage with and be more engaging for our neurodiverse customers/clients
Building a team presents the team leader with a few challenges. Differing personalities are an obvious challenge, but different age groups representing different generations bring their own differing needs and expectations. ‘Baby Boomers’ in the team, for instance, may have a different set of values from team members from the current Generation Alpha
The aim of this course is to examine the different generations in terms of perception and expectations, in order to develop a better understanding of how teams with a wide age range can successfully work together
To raise awareness of LGBTQ and how this is relevant to your work setting
A three-hour session for delegates to understand how to understand a methodology of understanding patterns of behaviour – our habits – and how to change the results in all aspects of our lives, health, relationships, work.
The course will enable candidates to apply NLP (neuro linguistic programming) personally and professionally to understand others better and communicate to change patterns of behaviour and overcome self-limitations.
Whilst many people have experienced the occasional day where they have needed to work from home, the vast majority of people have not worked from home before, or for a prolonged period of time.
With a change in working conditions now meaning that many people are now working from home at least part of the week, they may have found themselves unprepared for this way of working and require additional skills and tools to be able to work from home effectively.
Our Working at Home Effectively course is digitally delivered and ideal for those who are new to working from home and need to build the skills to cope with the isolation that may accompany it. It will develop your skills to manage your own time, prioritise workloads, effectively communicate digitally, and ensure that you workspace is correctly set up to maximise your effectiveness.
You will also gain valuable tools to enable you to get the most of remote collaboration and adapt your routines so that you are more effective and productive.
This course is designed to show and help team leaders understand their responsibilities to ensure that the workplace is one where all risks are minimised from cases of sexual harassment occurring. To do this, the trainer will get team leaders to explore and understand what is expected of them under company policy and UK law as well what is expected of them as part of their legal duty of care towards their teams. The session will help them understand what actions to take where they see inappropriate conduct taking place or if they receive a complaint directly. The session will also seek to dispel notions that there is a difference between banter and sexual harassment in the workplace as well as look at how our own psychological biases can influence and inadvertently support a culture where harassment can happen.
The Suicide First Aid course gives delegates the knowledge and tools to understand that suicide is one of the most preventable deaths and some basic skills can help someone with thoughts of suicide stay safe from their thoughts and stay alive.
SFA USI is comprised of 4 parts, each 90 minutes duration. The programme teaches and practices the skills and knowledge needed to identify someone who may be thinking about suicide and competently intervene to help create suicide-safety as a first aid approach.
The course will enable delegates to build the skills and confidence around suicide, how to support someone who may have suicidal thoughts in seeking the appropriate help.
SFA: Suicide First Aid training is underpinned by three core beliefs:
Most people thinking about suicide do not want their lives to end, they want the pain to stop.
Most people thinking about suicide let others know, consciously or unconsciously. Therefore…
Suicide has to be one of the most preventable deaths.
We limit numbers to 16 people per course so that the instructor can keep people safe and supported while they learn.
No previous experience or training is necessary. Participants will be asked to self- reflect and empathise with a person having thoughts of suicide. There is no expectation on participants to share personal experiences.
Managers often feel stressed trying to cope with both the demands of their senior managers as well as manage a team. The Aim of this workshop is to equip Managers with practical strategies to manage stress and build resilience in themselves and others. It also covers what steps managers can take to resolve any issues.
Our staff change support programme is a range of training courses designed to support all staff and managers in an organisation during times of change. Topics include:
Working in a Changing Work Environment (for Employees)
Leading in Times of Change (Managers)
Stress Awareness & Building Resiliences (for all)
Completing Job applications and Interviewing Skills
Being Interviewed for a Ring Fenced Post
These courses are available as a complete programme or individually.
What could a prospective customer find out about you and your business online? How would you handle the negative fall-out from an inadvertent tweet or on-line feedback from a customer?
Virtually all purchasing decisions are emotionally-driven and the likelihood of someone doing business with you is significantly influenced by what they can find out about you and your business via a simple Google search.
This half day session is taken from a full day practical skills course that is primarily designed around equipping line managers who are actively involved in recruiting and selecting employees with the knowledge and skills to hire employees in line with UK employment law. In addition, the full day course takes a deeper dive into issues of conscious and unconscious bias in hiring managers that can impact the selection process and put a business at risk from claims of direct and indirect discrimination under the equality act.
This course is primarily designed around equipping line managers who are actively involved in recruiting and selecting employees with the knowledge and skills to hire employees in line with UK employment law. In addition, it takes a deeper dive into issues of conscious and unconscious bias in hiring managers that can impact the selection process and put a business at risk from claims of direct and indirect discrimination under the equality act.
As leader we are expected to be all things to all people, and we can only do with the support of the people with whom we work. However, the team is only as good as the way it is led.
The purpose of this course is to explore methods to help you to develop high performing teams by providing clear objectives and guidance and providing feedback and support to team members to help them develop and grow.
The purpose of this course is use critical thinking to solve problems. We might also use it to examine and identify areas that need addressing to improve day to day operations and performance.
This session is designed to raise awareness of mental health, common disorders and how to have confident conversations to help support and help improve colleagues’ mental wealth.
It will be designed and run using trauma informed practice to ensure personal and psychological safety.
It builds on the truth that we all have mental health and aims to put it on the same level as physical health as they are interconnected and affect each other equally.
This course will build confidence in spotting early warning signs and symptoms and reframes thinking about having a ‘difficult’ conversation into feeling great that you can have a conversation to really help a colleague.
It will break the stages of spotting signs, planning the approach, opening the conversation, what language to use, what not to say, open, supportive body language, the role of empathy, what questions to ask and how to ask them.
It will cover what to do with the information gained positively and without fear or apprehension. What signposting to appropriate professional help or other supports is.
What do I do then? Do I just walk away or monitor, where are the boundaries as a manager? How do I balance performance and wellbeing?
The course will also look at a manager’s responsibilities under legislation including the Equality Act 2010.
Case studies will be used to look at what has happened when cases are ignored and when they are professionally handled. Studies will include return to work, hidden, escalation of behaviours, trauma.
Simulations will also be used to see, hear and feel the conversations, how to handle traumatic conversations and ensure personal safety and safeguarding for all involved.
In order to move forward in situations where difficult problems arise, creative thinking is required, in order to develop new strategies and approaches. This course has been developed in order to share ways in which we can more effectively identify barriers and develop solutions to overcome them.
An experiential course for particpants to fully understand the skills and mindset necessary to present confidently and communicate with clarity. Also to be able to structure and present with authority and to be resilient and maintain a positive mindset throughout the whole process.
The course will enable candidates to build the skills and confidence to enable them to gain the co-operation of others and be more positive when presenting verbally and non-verbally as well as presenting themselves as positively as possible matching the styles of the person or audience.
Managers and staff are increasingly being asked to reach agreements with other departments, government agencies, public or voluntary bodies about the provision of services and the delivery of outcomes. This requires them to be effective in conducting negotiations to maintain standards, achieve improved results and deliver value for money.
Many organisation are relying less on Human Resources professionals to handle day to day employee relations issues. This requires line managers to conduct negotiations about local issues with employee representatives & trade unions. This course helps equip them with the negotiating skills needed.
This course seeks to develop and apply negotiating skills, so participants are asked to come to this workshop with information about a negotiation they will be involved in or a negotiation they have handled recently.
When working in client facing roles its possible to encounter individuals who are upset, agitated or frustrated. On many occasions the person will channel these emotions toward as anger and aggression.
This course explores how to deliver excellent customer service whilst managing the emotions of others and maintaining own wellbeing.
Many people find themselves busy throughout the day, constantly involved in some type of activity. That same group of people often reflect back upon their working day and when they take stock have made very little, if any real progress towards their own to-do list. They have applied their best effort during the course of the day but have not really been productive and key priorities have been overlooked or missed altogether.
This course will look at the ways in which we can more effectively sequence, organise and focus our approach to our work.
This two day highly participative workshop is open to anyone wishing to improve their interviewing skills. Whether they be employment or performance interviews the workshop will assist participants to develop a structure to interviewing as well as utilise excellent communication skills.
This training will increase confidence in how to respond to and support members of staff who are grieving, including what to say, and what not to say and provide practical skills and guidance on how to provide a supportive work environment to deal effectively and sensitively with the realities of loss and grief.
People attending this course will gain a fuller understanding of stress, how it can manifest itself and the actions we can take to counteract it.
This course will show participants how to better prioritise their work, create detailed time planners, overcome procrastination and take control.
This course aims to provide those who negotiate regularly as part of their role, with a broader range of skills and techniques to draw upon
To empower staff with the skills and knowledge to be able to have various types of difficult or challenging conversations with service users. These conversations are based on the needs and circumstances of the clients, whether they are at risk and crisis, whether they need to connect with things that can help them to progress their lives or whether they need help with support planning and budgets.
This course aims to provide new managers and those aspiring to management, with skills and techniques to enable them to competent and successful managers
Delegates attending effective meetings management will regularly invest time Chairing either internal or external meetings. The course will challenge your current skills and other methods of making your meetings even more successful.
A two hour course enabling participants to fully understand the skills and mindset necessary to present confidently, communicating with clarity and how to take audiences away on a journey. Stories make such a powerful tool and help deliver business messages in more compelling ways. It helps you communicate with passion and to engage directly with peoples’ feelings. We will equip you with the skills and confidence to use the power of storytelling in business.
The course will enable candidates to build the skills and confidence to enable them to be positive when presenting verbally and non-verbally as well as matching the styles of the audience to captivate and produce a memorable experience.
“Your audience may never remember your point, but they will always remember your story!”
The purpose of this session is to review what is required when developing a Commissioning Report and identify specific points that should be included.
Getting the best out of people as a leader doesnt just involve the traditional skills of issuing orders and expecting others to follow. In the current workplace, its increasingly important for those from the top of the organisation to the bottom, to be able to work together, show respect and offer kindness.
This is known as Compassionate Leadership, described as Leaders focussing on relationships through careful listening to, understanding, empathising with and supporting other people, enabling them to feel valued, respected and cared for, so they can reach their potential and perform at their best.
Do you find yourself having to hold a difficult conversation with a colleague or client? How confident are you that you are well prepared for something that may turn out to be either awkward or over emotional? This course provides the tools for a delegate to feel more assured and be able to ask those ‘must ask’ questions without feeling awkward or even not asking them at all. The training is designed to make attendees feel good and positive about what they can already do, then provide a framework upon which they can develop their expertise.
Difficult subjects with colleagues and clients is often a daunting prospect for many. People sometimes avoid conflict situations where they need to deliver bad news or where they fear that there will be an adverse reaction to an assertive or critical message. Yet few things are as impressive in the workplace as the ability to discuss difficult issues with honesty, clarity, and integrity and to deal in a fair and objective way with the powerful emotions that inevitably arise.
This course aims to provide participants with the skills and confidence they need to develop this vital skill set.
Emotional Intelligence is a skill to perceive, assess, and manage the emotions of one’s self, of others, and of groups. In this Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace Training course you will learn that its importance is that it can help individuals with relationships in life and at work, with management of people and teams of people, enabling them to interact and influence others, as well as improving confidence and assertiveness. At its most simplistic, it is allowing yourself to be you.
This course is intended for anyone who deals with customers, whether face-to-face or on the telephone. Customer service is one of the most important aspects of any organisation, it’s not just a question of reacting to your customer’s needs it’s about anticipating those needs in advance of their arrival. We will also be looking at situations when a customer’s expectations are not met and the potential for conflict arises.
This workshop will provide the delegate with the awareness of the issues involved when sharing information about highly emotive and challenging situations. They will develop understanding of the impact, on both the giver and receiver, of sharing bad news whilst understanding of the needs of patients and relatives.
This training will help participants learn how to delegate tasks and use effective delegation as a key development tool to motivate and challenge their people. It will identify all the considerations that need to be taken before, during and after a task has been delegated.
This course aims to provide participants with the skills and confidence they need to develop this vital skill-set.
Coaching is a crucial tool for developing skills within your team members, to facilitate communication and overcome difficulties. This course provides a coaching framework and the key tools for supporting members of a team to develop themselves personally and professionally.
Effective communication is key to any business or organisation being able to function efficiently. The focus of this course is on improving the way delegates communicate information and instructions in the workplace.
In many organisations where change is taking place, employees will have been placed in an Internal Ring Fence for Redundancy Selection or Competitive Ring Fence Selection Process. This course aims to support all employees in this situation who need to prepare for a Ring Fenced Interview. It explains an outline of the scoring process and goes on to include hints on completing the application form and tips on being interviewed.
The key aim of the Bereavement and Loss Training is to increase knowledge or care after death procedures, grief and bereavement (including suicide), develop an understanding in order to build confidence and enhance skills needed to work sensitively and empathically with families, carer’s and others who experience loss and grief.
Assertiveness is an important skill in the workplace as it is fundamental to good communication. Being assertive means being able to stand up for your own or other people’s rights in a calm and positive way, without being either aggressive, or passively accepting ‘wrong’. Assertive individuals have good self esteem and are able to get their point across without upsetting others, or becoming upset themselves.
This course aims to help participants improve their assertiveness skills.
This is an Accredited Course suitable for Staff who work in lower hazard environments, have fewer staff or where HSE guidelines indicate staff should be trained
The First Aid at Work refresher course is for anyone who wishes to fulfil the strong recommendations by the HSE (first aid regulations 1981) that all first aiders in a business should annually refresh their first aid skills. This regulation is valid for every sector in and out of the workplace. This course is ideal for many other sectors including Basic Life Support to people who just want to know a little more about first aid.
Keeping first aid skills refreshed is an HSE recommendation.
Adaptive leadership is a set of tools and strategies you can use as a leader to overcome obstacles and change in an environment that is moving at a fast pace. It is based on the model devised by Ron Heifetz from Harvard University. Adaptive leadership is about observing the business and team and being able to adjust your style to meet the needs of the environment. It is a style that supports a time of change and using methods other than the one size fits all approach. Adaptive leadership helps to negotiate change and demonstrate innovation to cope with change and upheaval.
This course provides a good understanding of First Aid. The course is designed to provide cover for the workplace where employers have carried out their risk assessment and decided that this level of training will meet their legal obligations.
This two-day conflict awareness training session helps participants to develop their insight into the reasons why we may encounter conflict in the workplace. In this session we share simple and effective strategies for creating and maintaining safe working practices and environments.
Emotional intelligence, hope, mindfulness, and compassion help a person reverse the damage of chronic stress and build great leadership relationships. The Positive and Negative Emotional Attractors inspire sustained, desired change and learning at many levels.
Emotionally Intelligent leaders have great positive impact on their employees. High competency in communicating, influencing, motivating others, and managing emotions in the workplace thrust leaders to become mentors as well. Therefore, exceptional leadership calls for high emotional intelligence leaders that have sound judgment and reasoning.
This course will focus on imparting emotional excellence skills to enable you to succeed as a distinctive leader. Delegates will gain insights and skills on how to be an emotionally intelligent leader. They will develop intrapersonal skills of self-awareness and self-regulation.
They will also gain mastery of interpersonal skills of empathy and relational skills. Delegates will be exposed to the latest scientific breakthroughs in management science on the mastery of healthy emotions in a leader. They will learn the importance of managing body, mind and spirit so as to lead
others in a holistic manner. Delegates will return to their organisations with skills to be excellent leaders.
Bias is something that affects everyone, and shapes our experience of both the world and the people around us. Making a positive change starts with an acknowledgement that it does exist and the potential business impact of not taking action to rectify it.
During this session we will explore how both conscious and unconscious bias’ can affect our decisions regarding recruitment, selection, leadership, motivation and more.
The aim of this workshop is to provide individuals with a range of tools to support them in a changing work environment such as during a Restructure and Reorganisation.
This 2-3 hour course is for individuals in the organisation who need to either ‘meet’, ‘train’ or communicate using the virtual platform of MS Teams. The course will give delegates the confidence to use all the tools available on the platform and give them useful hints and tips on how to make the experience as close to a face-to-face or classroom experience as possible.
Delegates will be given a comprehensive ‘how to’ guide on how to use MS Teams which will be used to work through the session and which can be taken away to refer to later.
A half day programme for participants to understand how and why we think, feel and react to stress and to understand and practice mindful responses to increase our resilience.
The course will enable individuals to apply Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence (EI) techniques to reduce stress in everyday lives. It will also enable candidates to understand others better and communicate to change patterns of behaviour and overcome self-limitations.
This course will equip individuals working with people experiencing drug misuse issues, with an increased knowledge of current trends of drug and alcohol use and the most commonly used drugs and their physical and psychological effects. There will be a significant focus on New Psychoactive Substances, formerly known as Legal Highs, in terms of their effects, legality etc.
This Equality Diversity and Inclusion Training course describes key legislation and codes of practice relating to diversity, equality and inclusion.
This one day course has been designed for staff to learn how to have difficult conversations with clients, colleagues and managers. It aims to Increase confidence to have those conversations, understanding the benefits for you, the other person and the work by taking a look at the skills that you already use. You will learn simple techniques to create a positive outcome, identify techniques of Resilience, Assertiveness and look at how to use the skills to engage people including difficult situations.
A full day’s informative, interactive and fun training course conducted in a relaxed and “safe” learning environment for staff
Turn boring documents into must-read material with powerful formatting, charts, and tables.
Further increase your basic skills of turning boring documents into must-read material with powerful formatting, charts, and tables
Use advanced skills to turn boring documents into must-read material with powerful formatting, charts, and tables
This two-day intensive course provides an overview to the Project Manager’s /Associate Project Manager’s Role. It is based on the contents of the Project Management Qualification. It is an intensive course that provides a snapshot of what is involved in project management environment.
This is an interactive course and case studies will be provided to help work with and use the tools as we work through the course. However, we often find that using a real example can be extremely supportive and enlightening for our learners. If you wish to bring an example to work through, provided we adhere to GDPR rules this is acceptable.
Turn unorganized data into useful information and quickly make spreadsheets your colleagues. The course covers advanced topics like functions, PivotTables, and macros.
Turn unorganized data into useful information and quickly make spreadsheets your colleagues in this beginner Excel course
Make sure your message is heard with presentation slides that inform and engage your audience in this beginner PowerPoint course.
Make sure your message is heard with presentation slides that inform and engage your audience in this intermediate PowerPoint course
This course builds on the basic skills covered in our Introduction to Project Management Skills Course. However, if you have not attended that course this will not present a problem as there is a recap throughout the course.
A short session for participants to understand how and why we think, feel and react to stress and to understand and practise mindful responses to stress. Mindfulness will help develop present moment awareness to see life differently, change unhelpful patterns and experience more choice.
The course will enable candidates to apply Mindfulness personally and professionally to reduce stress in everyday lives
Turn unorganized data into further useful information and quickly make spreadsheets for your colleagues in this intermediate Excel course
This course is designed to help line managers identify strategies and approaches to managing cases of employee underperformance as well as providing background on the employment law basics. The course will equip learners with the skills to be able to informally and formally manage performance as well as place accountability with their staff for their own performance through adopting a coaching approach to performance. The course will look at why many employers accept average performance in the workplace and often deal with it incorrectly as misconduct. Learners will have the opportunity to work on real life case studies and practise the strategies learned in a safe environment.
This course provides a basic overview of what is meant by Project Management. The purpose is to provide participants with an insight into the world of projects and give them a basic grounding of what is involved
Professional boundaries are the limits that help us to develop effective relationships in the workplace. They are established through a set of behaviours and are given meaning through personal attitude and experience. If these boundaries are not clearly defined, owned and maintained, there is likely to be confusion and damage to the relationship with either, or both, parties being put at risk
In this session we will relate and apply all that is taught back into your real environment and ensure that the value of the boundary is both recognised and maintained.
In this intensive Project Management course, you will learn best practice for Project Management, including scheduling, reporting and budgeting and all the areas you need to consider before taking on a project. The different methodologies such as PRINCE2, PMI and Agile are included
The purpose of this course is to allow participants to express their hopes and concerns regarding the retirement process and to experience the positive benefits of retirement with particular emphasis on the adapting phase of the process.
When change takes place in any organisation, strong leadership is an important part of making sure changes are effective and as problem free as possible. The Aim of this workshop is to equip Managers with strategies to deliver change within their team whilst dealing with the emotional responses people have to change. It looks at the importance of communicating regularly with the team and at creating a Leading Change Action Plan to identify what needs to be done differently. It includes how to manage on stress and support the people within the team.
The misuse of alcohol and drugs is a significant problem that affects not only individuals and families, but also the workplace. This course will help employers and organizations across different sectors to develop good practice in all aspects of alcohol and drug related issues.
Conflict in the workplace can be the source of much disruption and affect not just the productivity of the organisation but the wellbeing of those who work in it. This course aims to equip participants with the skills to deal with situations of conflict, whenever they arise and to be able to prevent escalation, as well as dealing with unacceptable verbal or non verbal aggression
This course will outline a model for managing change within a complex health setting, enable participants to understand the likely reactions to change and employ strategies to ensure effective implementation of change especially in the handling of others.
This course will enable participants to apply Mindfulness personally and professionally to reduce stress in everyday life, to understand how and why we think, feel and react to stress and to understand and practise mindful responses to stress. Mindfulness will help develop present moment awareness to see life differently, change unhelpful patterns and experience more choice.
This course focuses on the key legislation and codes of practice relating to diversity, equality and inclusion.
This course is designed to examine the role of Leadership and Management. During the course you will gain an insight into the difference between the two disciplines. The aim of the course is to enable you to examine the skills and qualities of leadership and management and develop your understanding an atmosphere learning that is safe and enjoyable.
This one-day conflict awareness and verbal response training session helps participants to develop their insight into the reasons why we may encounter conflict in the workplace. In this De-escalation - A Proactive Approach to Conflict Training course we share simple and effective strategies for creating and maintaining safe working practices and environments.
With the sharp increase in customer expectations, organisations and teams are now in a position where they have to deliver a quality of service that is higher than ever before.
Many customer care programmes focus exclusively on practical skills without firstly uncovering and looking at ways to address customer needs, wants, expectations, insecurities and emotions.
In this programme we start ‘from the ground up’ providing participants with the tools to be able to more effectively establish, meet and evaluate the achievement of outstanding customer service in particular using the telephone.
Conflict is an intrinsic and inevitable part of our status as human beings. We will all encounter it in some form or other in both our personal and private life. When we are confronted by it there are usually two typical responses; we either tackle it head on or we avoid it completely. Both methods ultimately result in difficult times that can be painful, costly and uncomfortable where the outcome usually presents a ‘winner’ and a ‘loser’.
There is another way to approach these conflicts a way in which we can reach a win/win and collaborate to a successful conclusion for both people. This session will focus on bringing about an end to your conflict situations, cost-effectively and with as little discomfort as possible.
The course is designed to enable participants to develop a working knowledge of the importance of understanding and managing challenging behaviours in a variety of different workplaces.
The purpose of this session is to review what is required when developing a Commissioning Report and identify specific points that should be included.
Stress affects significant numbers of the working population in a UK workplace which is becoming increasingly demanding.
This Resilience Training course, will help individuals to understand how and why we think, feel and react to stress and to understand and practise mindful responses to increase resilience.
The course will enable participants to apply Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence techniques to reduce stress in their everyday lives. It will also help to understand and communicate with others better to change patterns of behaviour and overcome self-limitations
he diversity within teams adds to both the richness of our work and improves the ways in which we can provide services to the people who access them.
In this session we will be looking at the practical steps we can take in order to ensure the appropriateness and effectiveness of our own practice but also what we can instigate and maintain within our team in order to ensure that regardless of differences that people are treated with respect, understanding and dignity.
This bite size session, Bouncing Back Bitesize Resilience Training, has been created specifically to help delegates build their awareness of mental wellbeing and resilience to increase their skills and confidence in self and team. It will enable delegates to understand how and why we think, feel, and react to stress, to understand and practice mindful responses to increase our resilience.
The course will enable candidates to apply Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence techniques to reduce stress in everyday lives. It will also enable candidates to understand others better and communicate to change patterns of behaviour and overcome self-limitations.
It is also designed to help benchmark personal resilience levels and leave with new techniques to increase personal resilience enabling delegates to have the difficult conversations with selves as well as others, to know what to say and what not to and to know what to appropriately do with the information gained. The session is designed to be interactive and as such a safe environment to share advice and best practice.
The two-day certificated programme for candidates to become Mental Health First Aiders, certified by MHFA England aims to allow participants to gain an awareness of Mental Health disorders, the different types of mental disorder, the causes of mental disorder, and the symptoms to look out for and actions to take.
The course will identify the statistics of mental health disorders, it will cover suicide and self-harm and how to support someone with suicidal ideas or carrying out self-harm.
It will enable participants to have the skills and confidence around mental health disorders, how to support someone who may have a mental health disorder in seeking the appropriate help and will endeavour to put mental health on the same footing as physical health in the workplace.