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Bereavement and loss affect us all, either personally or in terms of the effect on clients, patients and staff in the workplace. The effects of this type of loss are wide-ranging. Talking Life’s portfolio of training courses in this area covers bereavement and loss, Distressed Clients and Patients, End of Life and Dying, and Caring for Carers. Our team of expert trainers handle these sessions sensitively and sympathetically.

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Our Bereavement & Loss Courses

Bereavement & Loss

The key aim of the bereavement training is to increase knowledge or care after death procedures, grief and bereavement (including suicide), develop an understanding in order to build confidence and enhance skills needed to work sensitively and empathically with families, carer’s and others who experience loss and grief.

Grief in the Workplace

This training will increase confidence in how to respond to and support members of staff who are grieving, including what to say, and what not to say and provide practical skills and guidance on how to provide a supportive work environment to deal effectively and sensitively with the realities of loss and grief.

End of Life/ Palliative Care

This course is designed to support staff working in community settings caring for palliative patients and those requiring end of life care. It will cover holistic assessment of physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs and consider the balance between potential benefit and burden of treatment. Symptom management to optimize quality of life and the need for clear, honest communication will be shared.

Breaking Bad News

This workshop will provide the delegate with the awareness of the issues involved when sharing information about highly emotive and challenging situations. They will develop understanding of the impact, on both the giver and receiver, of sharing bad news whilst understanding of the needs of patients and relatives.

Child Bereavement & Loss

This course is designed to provide delegates with an improved understanding of the issues surrounding losses experienced by children, including bereavement, separation, divorce and illness. It will explore how child development affects children’s views of bereavement and loss and improve awareness of children’s needs in the family context.

Bereavement and Loss

The key aim of the Bereavement and Loss Training is to increase knowledge or care after death procedures, grief and bereavement (including suicide), develop an understanding in order to build confidence and enhance skills needed to work sensitively and empathically with families, carer’s and others who experience loss and grief.

End of Life Care

The aim of this course is to provide a good understanding of how to care for the dying, The learning will ensure participants: – Have a clear understanding of End of life care – Are able to demonstrate effective communication – Understand and state the principles of delivering bad news – Explain palliative care and person centred planning

Palliative & End of Life Care

This course is designed to support staff working in community settings caring for palliative patients and those requiring end of life care. It will cover holistic assessment of physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs and consider the balance between potential benefit and burden of treatment. Symptom management to optimize quality of life and the need for clear, honest communication will be shared.

Dealing with Distressed People

This course will look at working with distressed and difficult clients by developing awareness of the issues involved when sharing information in a highly emotive and challenging setting. Delegates will develop an understanding of the impact, on both the giver and receiver, of support and information and explore tried and tested ways of communicating with distressed people and identify the most appropriate strategies.

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